Round 8 (Tue, July 26)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Andrew Collins
Bill Joyce
Carlos Mendes De Leon
Cass Haboian
Charles B. Roe
Charles Kennedy
Chris Cowland
Christopher Fairman
Craig Atchinson
David Barton
David Davis
Dennis J. Webb
Derrick Dabbs
Don Wurtzel
Donald Liphardt
Ed Jabri
Edward Walton
Edwin A. Zehfuss
Eric Buszka
Ethan Shell
Fernando Alberdi
Frank B. Whelan
Gary Chatell
Gary D. Maynard
George Sotiropoulos
Greg Housner
James Hall
James J. Phelps
James Weintraub
Jason Cooper
Jeffrey Hoffman
Jeffrey Housner
Jeffrey Wagner
Joe Conway
Jonathan Kronberg
Joseph Cox
Joseph Golden
Joseph Learman
Josh Rettig
Joshua Rubin
Ken Hayward
Kyle O'Keefe
Laurence Lenz
Lee Flake
Louis M. Leonard
Mark Hausman
Mark Kubitskey
Mark Servais
Matthew Aagesen
Michael Cole
Michael French
Michael J. McIntosh
Mitchell Marsh
Nicholas Cole
Nicholas Mazzola
Paul Dienes
Paul Krutko
Paul Ostby
Percy Bates
RJ Grimshaw
Robert Kunec
Ryan Muir
Scott Kralik
Suneel Kumar
Thomas Demetriou
Thomas Dooley
Thomas Jeppson
Timothy Frankel