Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Annemarie Hohman | 25.9 |
Anu Whitelocke | 28.2 |
Ashley Mumby | 2.9 |
Audrey Shell | 8.8 |
Beth Rettig | 27.4 |
Carolyne Y. Spears | 27.7 |
Christine Liphardt | 11.9 |
Fay M. McKenney | 20.0 |
Jan Hoffman | 11.9 |
Kimberly Webb | 15.1 |
Mary Ann Grimshaw | 15.3 |
Patricia Carden | 29.0 |
Rita Whitcomb | 29.5 |
Sarah Walton | 29.9 |
Shelly Fairman | 13.0 |
Sheryl Hays | 14.2 |