Round 2 (Sat, June 17)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Alethea Chaconas
Allison Housner
Ashley Mumby
Audrey Shell
Barbara Browne
Bernice Graham
Christine Liphardt
Cindy Dames
Elizabeth Leissner
Fay M. McKenney
Glynis McBain
Heidi Yahr
Jan Hoffman
Jenny Calder
Jessica Kellum
Julie Hayward
Karen Stevens
Kathy Matney
Laura Liberatore
Linda Ressler
Maria Rogers
Mary Ann Grimshaw
Mary D. Maynard
Noelle Dabbs
Patricia Carden
Patty Blessing
Penny Lehto
Rosemary Zink
Sharon Struble
Shelly Fairman
Sheree Hill
Siobhan Sendelbach