Round 1 (Fri, July 28)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Abigale Scott
Adrianne Fuhs
Alan Matney
Amanda Borsuk
Amanda Cowland
Andrea Aagesen
Andrew Goldstein
Andrew Madonna
Andrew Olive
Angela Hon
Arthur Trapp
Austin Mckenzie
Beth Kubitskey
Bradley Whitehouse
Brianne Sinden
Brooke Mastandrea
Cari Ceo
Carol Davis
Cathy McCann
Chris Cowland
Christine Hamilton
Christopher Kemp
Christopher Wilczynski
Chuck Byrnes
Cory McLean
Dan Davidson
Dan Jurasik
Dan Simon
David Nidetz
David Swartz
Debbie Swartz
Don Ferris
Edward Walton
Edwin A. Zehfuss
Elizabeth Skochelak
Erica Trossen
Fanny Bouteiller
Gaetana Casablanca
Heather Lee
Heidi Salter-Ferris
Heidi Yahr
Henry Fuhs
James Sisung
James Skochelak
Jason Ceo
Jason Murphy
Jeffrey D. Nadig
Jen Olive
Jennifer Nidetz
Jessica Ping Hausman
Joanna Mierkowicz
Joe Conway
Joe Mierkowicz
John Hamilton
John S. Rosales
Julie Simon
Justine Madonna
Kat Hutchinson
Kat Kasiborski
Katherine Murphy
Kathy Matney
Katie Nadig
Kelly Muscat
Kevin Johnston
Kim McLean
Kristin Korzekwa
Kristina Sitarski
Kristofer Hon
Kyri Kemp
Laura Byrnes
Lauren VanderPloeg
Laurence Lenz
Lee Flake
Linda L. Zehfuss
Linda M. Learman
Lindsay Schultz
Mala Trapp
Marc Drenning
Mark Hausman
Mark Krysiak
Matt Higgins
Matthew Aagesen
Melissa Stewart
Michael Kasiborski
Michael Meath
Mike Battle
Nan Conway
Nancy Drenning
Nicholas VanderPloeg
Nick Sitarski
Nicole Humbert
Nicole Wilczynski
Patty Bliss
Paul Dienes
Paula Flake
Pete Mastandrea
Robert A. McCann
Ryan Ward
Sarah Higgins
Sarah Walton
Scott Davis
Scott Schultz
Scott Wynne
Sebastien Guery
Seth Greene
Sheetal Amin
Shell Fairful
Stacey Greene
Stanley J. Learman
Steve Sinden
Summer Cole
Susan J. Lenz
Susan K. Rosales
Tara Ward
William Fairful