Round 1 (Mon, May 1)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Alethea Chaconas
Allison Housner
Andrew Thielk
Andrew Volk
Annemarie Hohman
Anu Whitelocke
Ashley Mumby
Audrey Shell
Elizabeth Finn
Fay M. McKenney
Florine Rentschler
Grant Johnson
Grant Johnson1
Jan Hoffman
Jessica Ping Hausman
Kimberly Webb
Margie Farrand
Mary Ann Grimshaw
Melissa Gordon
Memory Ji Yi
Nanci Merino
No Guest
Noelle Dabbs
Rocky Mullendore
Sarah Walton
Sharon Struble
Shelly Fairman
Sheryl Hays
Tiffany Birch